about High desert shearing
Based out of Doyle, California, High Desert Shearing offers considerate, small flock shearing and hoof trimming for sheep, goats, alpacas and llamas throughout Northern Nevada and Northeastern California including: Reno, Virginia City, Washoe Valley, Carson City, Carson Valley, Fernley, Fallon, Dayton, Yerington, Coleville, Sierra Valley, Chilcoot, Doyle, Janesville, and Susanville.
Sarah Lillegard is a certified shearer, trained in the New Zealand method of shearing through the UCCE Mendocino Sheep Shearing School. Both the school and the New Zealand method emphasize efficiency and animal well-being while maintaining fleece quality.
"We belong because we are part of the work of this place."
–James Rebanks, A Shepherd's Life
I first started shearing sheep in 2018 after learning to spin and dye wool. Through shearing, I am able to work with a variety of people and their animals from backyard flocks to small-scale ranches. I truly believe in the value of local wool and raising/grazing small ruminants in the area. Outside of shearing, I graze a tiny flock of Icelandic sheep and am a member of the California Wool Growers Association, the American Sheep Industry Association, and the Reno Fiber Guild.

Small flockS + Herds
High Desert Shearing handles flocks of sheep and goats ranging from 1–100. For llamas and alpacas, I do maintenance cuts for herds of 1–30.
Larger flocks or herds can be taken on as needed.
My shearing and hoof trimming seasons run March 1– July 7
and September 1–November 1.
In order for shearing to go smoothly,
the flock/herd owner needs to prepare the following:
Sheep and goats need to be off of food for 18–24 hours prior to shearing and not fed again until after they are shorn. They need to be off water at least 2 hours prior to shearing. Fasting is for the animal’s health and safety.
Animals need be tightly pen near the shearing area, before the shearer arrives. Camelids need to be haltered.
The smaller the pen, the better. If animals are unpenned when I arrive or I need to help pen them, a $50 fee will be added.Animals need to be completely dry for shearing.
If there is a chance of precipitation or even dew, keep them in a barn or fully covered/enclosed area prior to shearing. If you are unable to provide cover, please let me know in advance so we can reschedule.The shearing area needs: access to electricity, a flat level hard surface, and shade. For alpacas and llamas, there needs to be two sturdy ground-level supports to anchor restraints to.
The owner (or another responsible party) needs to be on hand throughout the shearing.
The owner provides their own bags, bins, brooms or other means of moving and storing the wool.
The shearer reserves the right to not shear an animal that is acting dangerously aggressive and/or is not safely penned.

I approach each shearing job with care and consideration from the first email to cleaning and sharpening my gear afterwards. I always take into account both the needs of the animals, as well as those of the flock owner. All of this is factored into my pricing.
Set-up + Mileage fees
These fees are my base pricing. The set-up fee for camelids includes bringing my own assistant. The mileage fee is set by my commuting zones from Doyle, CA.
This fee is added if animals are unpenned and/or I need to assist with penning.
Cash or Check
Credit Card (3% processing fee)
I shear alpacas/llamas using a pulley restraint system and an assistant to help hold the head. I offer a maintenance cut (vs a show cut) and hoof trimming is included. I do not grind teeth or administer vaccines.
sheep/goats <60
$50 set-up + mileage
$8–$10 per ewe/wether
$16–$20 per ram
• Pricing for flocks larger than 60 are quoted on an individual basis.
$30 set-up + mileage
(if only trimming hooves)
$5/ea regular growth
$8/ea extra growth
$75 set-up + mileage
$35/head alpacas
$45/head llamas
• I shear mostly in Northern Nevada and Northeastern California in the area highlighted.
• If you’re located outside of this zone, I can offer a quote based on my hourly drive/mileage rate. If you’re able to coordinate with a few other small flocks in your area, this makes the mileage more cost effective for everyone.
Shearing Quote & scheduling
If you are interested in scheduling an appointment,
please submit the form below for a quote and potential dates.
I start taking appointments February 1, so book as early as possible
to secure a date that best fits your schedule.
My 2025 spring shearing season runs March 1–July 6.

For questions or more information, contact me through the form below. If you would like to schedule a shearing appointment, complete this form.