about High desert shearing
Based out of Doyle, California, High Desert Shearing offers considerate, small flock shearing and hoof trimming for sheep, goats, alpacas and llamas throughout Northern Nevada and Northeastern California including: Reno, Virginia City, Washoe Valley, Carson City, Carson Valley, Fernley, Fallon, Dayton, Yerington, Coleville, Sierra Valley, Chilcoot, Doyle, Janesville, and Susanville.
Sarah Lillegard is a certified shearer, trained in the New Zealand method of shearing through the UCCE Mendocino Sheep Shearing School. Both the school and the New Zealand method emphasize efficiency and animal well-being while maintaining fleece quality.
"We belong because we are part of the work of this place."
–James Rebanks, A Shepherd's Life
I first started shearing sheep in 2018 after learning to spin and dye wool. Through shearing, I am able to work with a variety of people and their animals from backyard flocks to small-scale ranches. I truly believe in the value of local wool and raising/grazing small ruminants in the area. Outside of shearing, I graze a tiny flock of Icelandic sheep and am a member of the California Wool Growers Association, the American Sheep Industry Association, and the Reno Fiber Guild.